Yesterday, as I was walking home from work, I was full of high spirits and delight due to the long holiday ahead as a result of Jahmuri day. I felt my body relax and as every person my age plans for a grand weekend with friends out of town, I was grateful to just be able to sit still, breathe and have a day of the weekend indoors. “How did I get caught up in this crazy life cycle of waking up daily to go to work, earn an extra buck just to spend it; living hand to mouth; the rat race? I’m I even doing what I should be?” As this train of thought took control over my mind I began to reflect on how the year has been. Wow, we are almost halfway through the last month of the year 2010 and lo and behold my birthday is 6 days away.
Wait, my birthday!!! How old I’m I turning? 26? 27? Panic... I had to calculate with my fingers and for sure 27 is lurking in the shadows, waiting to embrace me in a less than a week’s time. Why this particular number held such significance to me I don’t know, it is not my favourite number, band etc. But I realised it holds the age where for me I was to have fully out-lived myself and now start settling down in a grand home, being a wife, almost a mother, ahead on my career, investing left, right and centre and serving in my home church. The quiet life... Panic! Have I even scratched the surface of the life I wanted to live before that?
Recently I followed 16 candidates in the Apprentice season 10 and was astounded as I always am when I watch these programmes. People are gutsy and have a list of accolades to their names. Closer to home I have my own friends and family who give me goose bumps at the idea of being in the same room as them. They have excelled in more than just academics and workplace but also in their personal lives. I start to wonder whether I slug a lot in my day to day life. Where have the years gone and what do I have to show for it?
Nevertheless, I am pleased that I managed to go back to school with the hopes of clearing my undergrad, I am in good health, still got a job to go to everyday, amazing family and friends, a great love and the assurance of a loving Father.
Hence as I knock on my 27th year, I have one wish: That the Lord Teach me to number my days that I may apply my heart unto wisdom. That He grants me wisdom to know areas to venture in and the strength and confidence to go ahead and conquer them. Here’s to hoping at the end of 2011, God willing, this 5’ 4’’ lady will rise above and exceed the norm; Living life with love, grace, passion & excellence.
Merry Christmas & Happy New year 2011.