Friday, November 27, 2009

Taking Stock: Intro

The mood in the air is screaming holidays.
Scenario 1: If your workplace is like mine you already have all top bosses applying for leave and you can already feel the sluggishness and laxity towards work.
Scenario 2: In another part of the town a church is doing a series “Where you @?” Taking stock of what you have done the whole year and at what position you are at with what you began, what you finished, what you didn’t finish and what you didn’t get around to doing at all.
Scenario 3: Time for Thanksgiving and you have all your family members wishing you a happy one and you know very soon you are counting the 12 days of Christmas. Not entirely Kenyan. Us Kenyans we just wait for 23rd Dec when we close down till 2nd Jan and enjoy eating chapatis, roasting nyamchom and indulging with our family and friends.
Safe to say, another year has come and is ending. So in attempt to finish well and “learn” from my mistakes as well as pat my back before the festivities I’ve decided to take stock (a concept known as chunking in psychology) of the 6 areas in my life:
  1. Business and Finance
  2. Health and Fitness
  3. Career and Education
  4. Spiritual
  5. Family and Relationships
  6. Fun and Entertainment
This looks like it’s going to be fun. Let’s get chunking

Life through Samara's eyes.

Pilot: Samara

Samara is a female Hebrew meaning:
  1. "Mountain, Outlook, ruled by God, guarded by God; seedling"
  2. "Guardian or protected by God; night talk"
Not quite sure about the night talk but I do like the 1st part “protected/guided/ruled by God.”

This blog site was kind of inspired by the movie “Julie & Julia” One of those movies based on true story of 2 ladies in different times and how one is inspired by the cookery lessons and lifestyle of the earlier /older one; Julia Child. However this was not what struck me. What struck me was the need of the younger lady Julie Powell to find something she can do and complete. A project! She chose to go through Julia’s cookbook and do all the 536 recipes in 1 year’s time all this while blogging her process.

Then it made me think about life and how many of us want to finish something faithfully that they have started. I also missed blogging so I decided to start one and just have fun through it and through the challenges I’ll face and musings of my life’s Journey, guided/protected/ruled by God.

Theme verse:
John 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
John 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

Life through Samara’s eyes!